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Welcome to the Deva Alchemy® Academy.

Here you’ll discover programs and books that blend practical business strategies with soul-rooted vision and energy alchemy practices to nurture and grow your business in joyful partnership with its soul, and yours.

Begin with my Free, 5-part video course: How to Craft A Soul-Powered Business
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What students of the Academy say about their experience...

Andra Evans

Spiritual Director/Companion, Mentor
"Thank you so much for your Dreaming in the Dark retreat. The retreat was so deep and rich that it activated a new phase of relating with my sole proprietorship Soul Expressions, and it wiped me out (in a good way). My business is about to stand on its own after contracting my services to a local business, and holy-moly the tiredness I experienced is giving me a lot of info and inspiration to step into the light this year. 

Holy wow, thanks again and I look forward to following you going forward."

Karina Ladet

Intuitive Guide, Free Spirit
"Become Your Own Business Advisor has transformed my life. It has changed how I do business — and everything — forever. I now know how to connect with my business’s soul and each step I take has so much more meaning than before. If you’re ready for a major shift in consciousness and to embrace a bigger and more magical vision of yourself and your work, then this is for you. You will receive so much more beauty and love than you have ever asked for. It’s a divine journey!"

Marianne Oude Nijhuis

Orthopedagoog en mentor
“I Love Rule Your World. It was a gift to learn how my body, thoughts, feelings, dreams, challenges, gifts and life belong to me. This is what children and businesses know; we need to remember it, in order to grow, nourish and participate joyfully in our life. Hiro Boga and Rule Your World will guide you, safely, wisely, joyfully and with lots of love! It changed my stories, relationships and my business. It brought me back to lightheartedness, joy, playfulness and wholeness.”
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